The love affair between pets and humans is one that stretches more than a thousand years, across time and space. We see cats represented throughout ancient lore, while Odysseus’ dog, Argus, literally dies of happiness to see his master return after his long journeys,...
Michelle King
Developing Research, Stem Cells, Sexual Health, And You
Sure, sex is coveted and idolized in the human society—a quick glance at most media will confirm that fact. However, it may be less known that sexual relationships have actual health benefits which make intimacy more than just pleasurable, but also advantageous both...
Top-Notch Personal Home Care Includes Personalized Care to Meet the Patients’ Needs
If you have a loved one with a terminal illness, you may wonder how to best take care of that person, and if they do not wish to be in a hospital during their last days and weeks, there is good news. Hospice care is the perfect solution for those patients that are...
Get Great Care from Quality Veterinarians Close to Barnegat, NJ
To say that your pet is an important part of your life is probably an understatement. The fact of the matter is that the love affair between pets and human beings is one of the richest and most wonderful examples of empathy and compassion one can think of. No matter...
Understand the Symptoms and Treatments for Head And Neck Cancer in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Early diagnosis, effective treatment, and the long-term outcome are three factors that affect every patient with Head And Neck Cancer in Bethlehem PA. An ENT specialist will often diagnose the condition and devise a treatment plan to aggressively attack the disease....