Signs That Suggest You Might Be suffering From Obstructive Sleep Apnea

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Healthcare

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Obstructive sleep apnea is a severe sleep disorder. The disorder causes breathing to start and stop, which disrupts sleep repeatedly. It is the most common sleep apnea disorder. It happens when your through muscles occasionally relax and block the airway while you sleep. One of the most evident signs of obstructed sleep apnea is snoring. Fortunately, you can find several treatment options for this sleep disorder, including a mouthpiece to thrust the lower jaw forward as you sleep. The other treatment option would be using positive pressure to make sure that the airways are open while you sleep.


There is usually an overlap between mood problems and sleep disorders. Depression is often associated with this sleep apnea. It manifests in sadness, episodes of crying, and feeling down. Also, a patient with this sleep apnea disorder loses interest in activities that were previously interesting and has guilty feelings over things done or not done. A person with this sleep disorder also experiences feelings of hurting others or oneself.


Sleepwalking is among the strangest signs of obstructive sleep apnea. Periodic limb movements are indications of attempts to start breathing again after sleep disruption due to sleep apnea. Once you seek treatment for a sleep disorder, sleepwalking goes away over time. Sleepwalking happens because the brain is in a mixed state where sleep and wakefulness occur at the same time. You should seek treatment as early as possible.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth clenching is often a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. It happens during sleep to tighten airway muscles and prevent your jaws from moving backward. Teeth grinding prevents the tongue from falling and blocking airways, which combats airway collapse. Unfortunately, teeth grinding affects your teeth and causes other health conditions. Visiting an expert is vital to treating sleep apnea and protecting your teeth. The sleep disorder is a condition that compromises your sleep quality. You should contact a sleep expert immediately if you notice these signs. Fortunately, the disorder is treatable.

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