Reasons To Consider Gummy Bear Implants

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Health

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Recently, the FDA approved another breast implant option, which has made patients and surgeons ecstatic. They are known as gummy bear implants, but they are form-stable or highly cohesive options. The name came from the way the gel holds together and maintains its shape. If you were to cut the implant, it wouldn’t leak or change shape, similar to those candy bears that children love.

Stay Together

Most women worry about breast augmentation because the implant shell could break, causing a leak or deflation. While this can be an easy fix and doesn’t have to be life-threatening, it can still be annoying. The newer implant option will stay together even if the shell deteriorates, making it a better choice for many. However, because it is still a gel-based implant, you would still need to have it removed if the shell broke. It just wouldn’t be so problematic and cause illness or other problems.

Soft And Perky

Most complaints from a breast implant are that the chest feels tight and will start to sag, like traditional breasts. However, with the gummy bear version, you’ll have a softer breast that will seem more natural. You can hold them, touch them and won’t be able to tell the difference. They will also look perkier, meaning they will stay in place over the years. Because they are made with a dense silicone rather than traditional gels, they can sit higher on the chest and hold their shape better. You will notice a curvier, more beautiful figure that looks younger and more natural.

No Ruptures

Breast augmentation has the risk of breaking the shell. You will carry that risk with you for as long as you have the implants. However, the newer version has fewer chances to rupture because it stays together better. Even if a rupture were to occur, you wouldn’t have any leaking problems, because it will stay together. In most cases, ruptures with any implant are rare, unless you have experienced chest trauma from an accident or an aggressive mammography.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate?

Anyone who is considering breast augmentation should consider this solution because it can be shaped or more rounded. It works well for women with little breast tissue and want a sloped breast. However, the rounded version works best for most women because it offers fullness above the nipple and a natural look.

However, not everyone is an ideal candidate. You need to have a “B” cup for the best results.

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