Why Is Pediatric Foot Care So Important?

by | May 11, 2016 | Healthcare

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Visiting a podiatrist for Pediatric Foot Care is a must. The first thing the podiatrist will do when seeing a patient is to determine their history. This entails asking about general diseases the person may have at the time or has had in the past, surgical history, drug allergies, permanent medication they are taking, podiatry history, and the reason for that particular consultation. For instance, they will ask if a person is allergic to latex vinyl gloves or if they have an allergy to iodine betadine or any other disinfectant such as chlorhexidine. These are important questions, especially if these things might be used during treatment.

There are many systemic diseases affecting the foot, like psoriasis (the toenails change color, shape and hardness where problems arise when cutting). Psoriasis can also affect the joints causing inflammation, and psoriatic arthritis should be treated by a doctor, a podiatrist, and a physiotherapist to allow for proper recovery. Another systemic disease that can affect the foot is diabetes both type I and II. Any type of foot problems associated with diabetes can be so severe that they can eventually lead to amputation.

It is advisable for all ages to undergo an annual review even if there is no discomfort, just to confirm that all is well, and answer questions you have about foot care. These questions can range from the most appropriate footwear or any other matter that may present. Generally, proposed treatments for Pediatric Foot Care are conservative, meaning they are not aggressive and do not hurt anything. Foot specialists will often use a variety of tools to treat bunions because many of the tools used can be perceived as brutal. This normally happens when the patient has “white coat syndrome”. Removing hard skin from the soles of the feet or toes is not painful because dead skin is being removed and not its nerve endings. Sometimes it can even tickle!

Treatment of ingrown toenails can be annoying. Sometimes a person can use a cold compress or anesthetic cream to cut the nail. This type of treatment is usually done in one session, and symptom relief is immediate. Sometimes, though, people must resort to surgery: ingrown toenails, bunions, hammer toes, claw toes, etc. The postoperative discomfort will depend on each case and the technique used isn’t harsh enough to where people cannot walk out on their own. Visit website to learn more. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates.

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