A Guide to Your Smoking Cessation

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Health Guide

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We’ve all seen movies and commercials that make it seem like smoking is a fun and attractive activity that only the coolest or most popular people engage in. Think of a man who looks more robust with a pipe hanging out of his mouth as he saddles a horse in the wilderness or a woman dressed up at a party with a cigarette dangling from her gloved hands as she smiles for the camera. Unfortunately, these images are merely illusions that hide the detrimental effects of smoking, as well as its increasingly grotesque appeal.

If you’re a smoker who’s seriously reconsidering the quality of your life, you’re certainly not alone. Kicking your nicotine addiction can be the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Commit to working on your smoking cessation plan now and uncover the joys of living a tobacco-free life.

5 Reasons Why Smoking is Undesirable

• Strong Odor

Tobacco smoke is a smell that’s distinct, pungent and often offensive. It lingers in clothes, hair, vehicles, and other places even after you’re done with a cigarette.

• Bad Breath

Along with strong odor comes bad breath. Smoking can affect kissing or talking and if breath goes unchecked for too long, it eventually leads to oral health concerns due to bacteria buildup.

• It’s Expensive

Smoking cessation is necessary if you ever plan to have a healthy bank account. The cost of cigarette packs continue to rise as health officials try harder to discourage the habit.

• Dulls the Senses

One of life’s simple pleasures is food. Smokers have a difficult time enjoying the taste and smell of cuisines because the regular use of tobacco deadens the senses.

• Health Problems

Smoking also increases risks of several health problems that could worsen over time. Respiratory infections, heart disease, and various cancers are the result of tobacco use.

5 Smoking Cessation Benefits

• Easier to Find a Mate

Contrary to popular belief, smoking isn’t a highly desirable characteristic and could affect your ability to find a partner. When you’re smoke-free, you open yourself to wider range of choices in the dating game which could ultimately lead to the ‘happily ever after’ that you’ve been looking for.

• Improves Physical Activity

Quitting smoking also increase your ability to engage in strenuous physical activities, including exercises like jogging, aerobics, and sports. Your stamina becomes higher which allows you to do more with your body.

• Strengthens Immune System

You’re less prone to infections and sickness as well. Flu-like symptoms and other illnesses are less likely to settle into your body because you develop a higher tolerance to germs when you’re smoke-free.

• Oral Health

You’ll also find that your breath is fresher, your teeth whiter, and your gums stronger once you ditch nicotine forever.

• You’re No Longer a Danger to Others

Lastly, you’ll no longer contribute to the dangers of secondhand smoke once you’re devoted to smoking cessation. Other people, especially those who are most vulnerable like children and the elderly, can breathe more comfortably without being negatively impacted by your tobacco use.

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