Care For A Wandering Mind

by | May 17, 2019 | Assisted Living

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Seeing someone you love fall victim to dementia can be heartbreaking. You know that the disease will only become worse over time while hoping that the person will retain as many memories as possible. If you’re unable to care for your loved one and there’s not a way for the person to stay at home alone, then consider dementia care homes Decatur GA offers. These are homes with workers who focus on the care that is needed that will make residents feel as comfortable as they can while also feeling safe in their environment.

There are often group gatherings in the home to try to get as many residents to socialize during the day as possible. This is often an important part of dementia care as people need to continue talking and learning instead of sitting in a room all day with little contact with other people. There are some dementia care homes Decatur GA offers that resemble a traditional home that the person might live in but with a little extra monitoring. These homes are ideal for those who are in the early stages of dementia and who are safe to live by themselves but might need some assistance with managing the household chores or finances.

A larger care facility provides meals and healthcare services as needed. Residents are usually in a separate area from other residents since they do have dementia or other diseases that impact the memory. Residents are encouraged to live as independently as possible with group events held during the day and individual therapy sessions offered to help in retaining as many details as the person can through games and fun activities. Sometimes, the dementia care unit in the facility has doors that are locked to maintain the safety of the residents so that they don’t go outside without another person present.

For more information on dementia care homes, contact through their website today!

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