Common Reasons to See a Foot Doctor in Racine, WI

by | Oct 30, 2017 | Health

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Most patients know it’s important to see a doctor when something goes seriously wrong, yet a surprisingly high percentage of them ignore foot health and just put their pain off until later. This is a mistake, as treating foot pain and irritation can dramatically improve a patient’s quality of life and even prevent other injuries. Patients who are suffering from any of the symptoms listed below should not hesitate to schedule a visit with a foot doctor in Racine WI.

Pain From Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that causes stiffness and painful inflammation in a patient’s joints. Because there are so many joints in the feet, patients who suffer from arthritis often find that they experience foot pain as well. While this is not the only cause of foot pain, it is a surprisingly common one, so there’s no reason for patients not to see a specialist to discuss options.

Swollen Ankles

There are several conditions that can cause swelling of the ankles, but all of them are fairly serious and require immediate treatment. The underlying cause may be something simple, like an ankle sprain, or may be damage to the bone or ligaments. In any event, the only way to get relief is to first get a proper diagnosis.

Fungal Infections

Patients who have yellow or black toenails are often suffering from fungal infections. These infections develop quickly and are not just unsightly but can also wind up being quite painful. They can be treated simply with medication, but only if patients see a Foot Doctor in Racine WI when their symptoms arise.

Chronic Heel Pain

There are a number of conditions that can cause chronic heel pain, including bone spurs. This condition often progresses throughout the day from a mild discomfort upon waking to pain with every step later in the day. A foot doctor can recommend appropriate treatment to alleviate that pain.

Strange Gait

Anyone who has been experiencing changes in their gait or has simply always walked a little bit strangely and never taken action to correct it should see a podiatrist for help as soon as possible. There are many non-invasive treatment options that can alleviate problems. Contact us for more information, or schedule an appointment today to speak with a specialist.

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