Can Snoring Result in Nasal Surgery in Bethlehem?

by | Jan 30, 2017 | Allergies

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About 10% of children are prone to chronic snoring, the clinical consequences of which are never trivial. The main causes seem to point toward obstructive sleep disorders and abnormal dentofacial development. Rapid support is, therefore, essential. Sometimes Nasal Surgery in Bethlehem is the only option.

Hear a Harley in the other room? No, you’re not dreaming. It is your child snoring! Head back and mouth open, they seem to sleep so well. However, it’s a safe bet he or she will be grumpy and tired when they wake up. There is no reason to panic, but a parent that has to deal with this issue should consult an ENT asap.

Noted as a relatively common disorder in children, snoring results in evocative nighttime and daytime events. During his or her sleep, the child who suffers from this issue is often restless. They will tend to wake up frequently, mainly due to nightmares and extreme sweating. And very often, they may urinate in the bed. Enuresis, whose causes remain somewhat mysterious, is a classic sign of snoring in children. Upon waking, far from being rested, the child is tired and may suffer from headaches. Because of this, he or she may have difficulty concentrating in school.

Obesity is an important risk factor for snoring in adults, which means it can also affect children. Craniofacial malformations, metabolic diseases, and neuromuscular disorders can be the cause of this disorder and, thus, may require multidisciplinary care in specialized centers. Most of the time, however, the issue is due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids, which means Nasal Surgery in Bethlehem is a must.

A snoring diagnosis is based on a careful clinical examination of the patient, which can be performed by a general practitioner. The latter first conducts an exam to look for possible causes. He or she will then suggest the child see an ENT to further exam the child. People should seek ENT care in the case of a severe underlying issue, in the event of a discrepancy between the clinical examination and the respiratory disorders described or in the case of high operational risks. Polysomnography can also be useful when parents are very reticent about surgery because it makes it possible to objectify the indispensability of this intervention. To learn more, visit  today.

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